What is Hydrogen water ?

Hydrogen water or hydrogen-rich water (also known as hydrogen-enriched water) has essentially the same physical properties as ordinary water (H2O) containing more dissolved hydrogen gas (H2).

What is Hydrogen?

Hydrogen (H2) is the most abundant and smallest molecule in the Universe. It is an odourless, colourless, and tasteless gas. .

In 2007, a Japanese scientific research team discovered that inhaled hydrogen gas could act as an antioxidant and protect the brain from free radicals. This sparked the interest in its potential health benefits worldwide and led to some breakthrough research. Today there are over thousands of studies and research that have proven its therapeutic effects and highly recommended by health professionals and doctors.

Hydrogen can exists in form of gas or water.

Molecular hydrogen seems like the perfect therapeutic the world has been eagerly searching for and has no negative side effect!

Benefits of Hydrogen Water

Fight Free Radicals

Hydrogen water fights free radicals – chemicals which are abundant in the environment and associated with premature ageing, inflammatory conditions, Alzheimer’s and some forms of cancer.

High Antioxidant & Anti-ageing

Hydrogen water has antioxidant properties, which means it can fight indicators of disease on the inside, and prevent the signs of ageing on the outside. A Japanese study (from the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology) proved that who bathed in hydrogen-enriched water every day for 3 months, had a significant improvement in neck wrinkles.

Help In Detoxification

Drink hydrogen water regularly helps our blood cells to transport toxins to the liver and kidneys where it can be processed. Removing bodily toxins quickly, aids healthy skin and reduces wrinkles.

Normalise Blood Pressure

Hydrogen water can help to normalise blood pressure.
Reducing blood pressure can lower the risk of heart attacks, migraines or chronic fatigue among other ailments. Hydrogen rich water makes our blood cells naturally repel each other. This lowers blood pressure because red blood cells are naturally pushed further apart.

Improve Immune System

Hydrogen as an element is a building block of all life, combine of all the benefit mentioned above, we can conclude that drinking hydrogen water is thought to promote healthy cell structures throughout the body.